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Nor’atlantic by hand

the map

If you belong here,

then you are

a Nor’atlantian

I’ve got curiosity

Fran Ayllón

Oh, it was interesting!

Documentarist since 2016,…

but documentarist of a kind…

THIS kind:


comparative vandalism

Leica Da Vinci photo archives

(including arguably

the largest graphic archive

of Nor’atlantic street art)

the anthem

The Nor’atlantic League. A bond.


witness, document, catalyze, amplify,…



buycoffee(s), guest, net, workshop…


I witness your legacy, in exchange for your hospitality and/or benefaction, by

– documenting material and intangible cultural assets, existing or that you are willing to bestow, and

– banding together with yourselves as liaison for your both network and personal interaction with your peer Nor’atlantians.


Ojalá tengamos muchas cosas buenas que hacer o soñar juntos. Cuéntame, por favor…

Let us hope for lots of beneficial things to do or dream about together. Tell me please…

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